
Boatlift Installation

Art Marine uses only the most advanced tools to make sure that your boatlift not only gets installed correctly but also stays installed properly through all weather conditions. We also employ the best installers in the industry so you can be sure that when we show up to install your lift that it will be done correctly, professionally, and within a timely manner.

The Boatlifts That We Use

Art Marine uses Quality Aluminum Boatlifts as our boatlift supplier. QAB is a boatlift manufacturer based out of Pensacola, FL. We use them not only because they are local but because they only build the most quality boatlifts on the market. We love supporting local business and when quality is in the name you know its gonna be made right.

Pros For A New Boatlift

Boatlifts are fantastic and can actually save you a lot of money in the long run. By keeping your boat out of the water when you aren’t using it you minimize the risk of dock rash and algae buildup on the bottom of your boat. A boatlift helps your boat to resell for more if you ever decide to upgrade, saves you on expensive bottom paint, and also helps your boat perform better due to less drag from the algae and other parasites. It will also help you save on insurance due to the minimized risk of thieves that will attempt to steal your boat.